Friday, August 2, 2013

Sherwin Williams Dallan!!

How cute, a gift in a paint can.
Baptism Bonanza!

I see Granny, Cindy, Kay, Kim, I see Dallan, Taylor....

Here we go through the neighborhood! 

It is all good here folks!
The haboob is going to get me! The wind is blowing my hair

Gilbert Arizona on a beautiful day!

Montana at her Baptism!! Sister Holcolmb and I got to come for the celebration!

Montana gets baptized!!

This week has been nothing short of spectacular. First off, do you remember Montana? Sister Holcomb and I taught her the first few lessons and then had to hand her over to the elders in her area? Well, she got baptized on Saturday! And we surprised her! She cried when she saw us all walk in. She's amazing. And in the picture it looks like she doesn't like me...just Sister Holcomb. False advertising. It was so amazing to get to be there for her. Nobody in her family was there, they are all against the church which is hard. But she has such great faith and you could feel her spirit and testimony the whole time. I was asked to give the closing prayer, such a big deal I know. Also, she has the prettiest hair! 
      In other baptismal news, two of our investigators that we started teaching this week are on date to be baptized. One for this coming Saturday, August 3rd. And the other for August 17th! Bailey, is getting baptized on Saturday. She is 17 and going to be a senior this year. She got to go to the Luke Bryan/Florida Georgia Line concert this not fair. But she has been coming to church for a while with her best friend and has also been to Girl's Camp since she was like 13. She wanted to be baptized before we met with her, so that made our job a little easy. She's really awesome! Noah is the other one getting baptized on the 17th. He's also 17 and going to be a senior. His parents are anti but his older brother was baptized a few years ago and is now married in the temple. All his fiends are LDS so a few of them always come to the lessons which is super good. He is just always eager to learn more and more. Even though we are teaching them I don't feel like I can take "credit" for their baptisms. They were both so prepared when we met them and so just ready to have the blessings of the gospel in their life. I honestly don't feel like I deserve all these blessings! I have been working really hard and it's nice to see something come from it, but really. I just happen to be in the right place at the right time to have the privilege of teaching them. They are both showing great faith in being baptized regardless of what is going on around them. What a huge commitment...with the best possible consequences! 
   Also, Beky's letters are seriously hilarious. I will send a picture. I feel bad that I haven't sent my response out...but I do have the letter written to her and Joseph! Also, thanks to Nickel and Patricia for the letters. Dallan also sent me a paint can full of stuff, by way of his neighbor that was coming to Gilbert. So that was an unexpected knock on the door and surprise one night! 
   In other news, I got 3 flat tires in 2 days. AWESOME. A crazy old lady similar to Sister Vest said that I look like I'm 15, and then got all the way up to 17 but didn't believe that I was 20. She also tells the same joke every time we see her. "What do you do when you see someone standing on top of the toilet? Call the police because they're high on pot." Old people. 
   How is everyone doing? I'm doing well. Teaching is going pretty well. Yesterday I taught the Law of Chastity and the Word of Wisdom. It's nice to get those done once so that each time will get a little better. I actually thought it went pretty well though. Not even awkward at all. BOOM. We also taught the YW on Wednesday.  And are still being fed well. We actually get a lot of mexican food. But not like real mexican food. White people Mormon mexican food. There is lots of other stuff, but I'm running out of time. I would love to hear how you're doing. Two weeks in a row without an email I feel out of the loop! Thanks for the pictures! I love you! And remember I'm moving to apartment #2046 on the 1st! I love you!
Sister Abby Adams

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