Tuesday, September 9, 2014

STL                                                                  June 16, 2014

This week has been smack FULL of miracles. It's just crazy. The Lord is blessing us so much! We taught Todd every single day this week to prepare him to be baptized this Saturday. We also started teaching his wife, Suzie, and she accepted a date to be baptized as well! So that will take place on June 5th. Todd and Suzie both are just so so prepared! Seriously. They are just so pure in heart and have a real desire to follow the Savior. Even if Todd is a little odd at times. Like the story I'll tell about church.hahaha. 
Tuesday we had district meeting and had a few appointments and some service. One of our investigators, Tiffany, taught us how to make headbands; I'll attach some pictures. And we finally got her to really open up to us. She really really wants to to be baptized, but her husbands family are super super anti and she just doesn't want to mess things up with her and her husband. It's super sad. She was just in tears. So our job is just to build her faith so that she can withstand the trials that will come. Choosing the right isn't always easy. We also played phone tag with President Nattress all day, and so we were freaking out as to WHY he was calling us right before transfers. 
Wednesday was transfer meeting. That morning, while Sister Hibbard was in the shower, President finally called us back and he asked me to be a Sister Training Leader. Which is like the equivalent of a Zone Leader for elders...kinda. Basically it means that I have a few companionship's of sisters in my stewardship that I am over, and we go on exchanges and other fun stuff. It's pretty scary because I feel really inadequate. I'm supposed to be the one that knows it all now, and that's SO not the case. I'm still learning. It does mean that President Nattress and the Lord trust me. President Nattress said, "The Lord wants you to be a STL at this time." So it's gonna be a party. The best part was that Sister Hibbard didn't know...and they announce it in transfer meeting. So I just surprised her.hahaha. She was so mad.haha. 
We had the most intense lesson ever with Barbara and Brother LeMaster. They just can't grasp that they need to be married in order for Barbara to be baptized. It's so hard sometimes. We explained it the best that we could, and followed the spirit. But Brother LeMaster was just so closed. So I asked him one question, and he just broke down in tears and talked about all the blessings he has received from the church. I know their answer from God as to what they need to do will come, all we can do now is build their faith. Brother LeMaster about us wanting to lose weight, "You two go our in the wind and you need an anchor to hold you down."haha
Thursday we had a great day...you know nothing to out of the ordinary. For some reason I can never remember Thursdays. We taught some lessons and did some service? 
Friday we had our weekly planning meeting. And Todd had his interview for baptism! He walked out and said, "He told me that I'm golden." SWEET! Elder Swenson, who interviewed him, was super low on blood sugar so hopefully he understood what was going on.ha. But before the interview Todd was telling us how he was going to divorce his wife and all this stuff. We were just heartbroken. We told him how the gospel strengthens families and such...but we aren't supposed to give counsel so that's all we could do. Friday afternoon is when we actually got to teach Suzie the Restoration. She is so sensitive to the spirit...and we are just so so happy for them. It's the first family that I've ever taught! Ahhh! God is good. Friday night we got in with the inactive lady, Sister Lewis. We've been trying the whole time that we've been in the area. AND WE FINALLY GOT IN! All because of my wonderful parents and their obsession with triathlons. She was in exercise clothes...and it turns out that she's training for her first Ironman. When I told her that my parents do them she freaked out and had us sit down and we talked for an hour! She was like, "What are the chances! Does this mean I have to go to church? God is slapping me in the face and telling me I need to go." She hadn't been in two years! It was such a miracle! And she said she wouldn't mind us coming over any time because we're "real." She is so so so so nice! 
Saturday we got to go see Jace, who I taught in my last area, be BAPTIZED! He was so so excited. He is just the cutest!! It was so amazing to see him enter into a covenant with God. He just makes me heart happy. We spent the rest of the day making sure that everything was together for Todd's baptism the following week and making sure our investigators were going to have a good experience at church. We were expecting 6 investigators at church!
Sunday Todd and Suzie fed us breakfast before church, biscuits and gravy! And 4 of our investigators came to church! Which was really exciting, even though we missed the other 2. But there's always next week! It builds so much trust to have the members see you bring people to church. And when as many people as possible know before hand so they feel apart of it and welcome them. It's the best! It's also super stressful. Todd brought his son, Justin-who is 10, and he loved primary. We wish we could teach him...but his mom, who Todd is divorced from won't let that happen. It was a great day! We ate with the Wilhelm's, who are so so awesome! Seriously, and Brother Wilhelm is hilarious. He told us that when either one of us leaves that he'll cry because we're like his daughters.ha. 
All in all it has been an amazing week! I'm truly blessed to be serving the Lord at this time. I know that He lives. And that this is His gospel and His church. This transfer is going to be AMAZING! 

Sister Adams 

P.S. Remember that the tender mercies of the Lord are everywhere! 

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