it's HIS work March 17, 2014
this week...umm. lets see.
Last Monday we had a sisters "meeting" which consisted of eating, playing games, a water balloon fight, and clothing exchange...all at President and Sister Nattress's house! It was so fun to just get to have fun and be back in GILBERT for the day. I hadn't realized how much I miss Gilbert. And President Nattress lives right by the temple which makes it even better. And Monday night we actually had a couple lessons with people which was so nice to have lots of plans. One lesson we taught with a couple elders which was a little odd. And both appointments we had decided to feed us....what are the chances of that.ha.
Tuesday after district meeting, we had a full day of contacting and just trying to still meet more members and such. There is so much work to do in this area. And we seriosuly do so much service! Which, I love...and not just because I get to where comfy clothes. We do some service nearly everyday. And sometimes it's super random. Like this week, we pulled TONS of weeds, cleaned a fishtank and painted a porch.haha. It keeps things interesting, and keeps us from knocking on doors all day every day. I should count how many doors we knock on and the percentange that opens the door.
Wednesday we went on exchanges again. Sister Walker spent the night and whole day with me in our area. It was fun being with Sister Walker, since besides seeing her at meetings, the MTC was the last real time we actually were in the same room for more than a couple hours. She's a great missionary! And we saw some miracles. A couple of our appointments did cancel. But a lady we've been trying to meet finally was home. And when she open the door she said, "If you were the boys, I wouldn't have opened the door." SWEET! Perks of being a sister missionary!ha. We're gonna be doing some service for her this coming week. We're also trying to get to know the youth more so we stopped by mutual. This one girl screamed, "ARE YOU A REAL GIRL MISSIONARY?" Yes, yes we are. It's funny how many people down here don't ever see sister missionaries so when they do, they freak out.
In other news, we starred teaching the husband of Grace. His name is Anthony. And is super open. Apparently he always talks about his Mormon friends so Grace asked him, "Do you wanna be Mormon?" We're going to teach them again tonight...and they're going to feed us. Score.
Our stake conference was this weekend and they split out stake into two! I'm in the Queen Creek South Stake, which used to be the biggest stake in the mission by like 10 fold. But they created the San Tan Valley Stake out of us. So that was pretty excting. Elder Cardon of the 70 came down for it, and Elder Hansen(who called me up at the other stake conference) was there as well. There were some great talks and such. The Saturday evening session was on hastening the work. And one thing that stood out to me was that Elder Hansen talked about how there was a hastening of hearts being changed. I had never thought of that, but it's a pretty cool thought. And makes lots of sense. I also loved this quote(regarding temple work), "Whoever helps those on the other side receives help in all the affairs of their lives." I'd say that's pretty good motivation to go to the temple.
This week was full of miracles, my brain is dead though. I didn't have time this week to write down what I wanted to write you about! OH! One crazy thing. We found tese beer cans strangley screwed into the roof of our house, and i started banging on them with a broom stick and then someone would make the same sound back. Well, it freaked out the sisters I live with...they thought I had like signaled drug dealers or something. So they freak out screaming and run inside. One of the sisters wanted to call someone. Anyway, we ended up all sleeping in the living room...the rest of the week, And that was on like Tuesday.hahaha. Our housing coordinators came to check it out on Saturday and determined that they were used for bird nest.haha. Lets see, all the old people were out this week in very very litte clothing. We walked up on a conversation and all I heard were the words, "I was stark naked..." Snowbirds...they're crazy.
I've really put Elder Anderson's promise to the challenge lately. The one that says if we pray to know with whom to speak names and faces will come into our minds, words to speak will be given, oppurtunities will be opened to you, faith will overcome doubt, and the Lord will bless you with your very own miracles. And it WORKS! I literally had peoples faces pop into my head. For some reason Mrs. Hardy, Caleb's mom, kept popping into my head and I was so confused. Turns out theres a Hardy in our ward that when we stopped by was really in need of a visit and hadn't come to church in over 10 years. My mind was blown away. The Lord works in mysterious ways! I'm so grateful for this time to serve Him. I counldn't do it without his constant guidance. He gives me strength. He guides me. He comforts me. He leads me to those that are in need to feel of His neverending love! I am honored to be a representative of Jesus Christ. To testify of him daily, that He is the living Son of the living God. And it it in and through Him that we are able to return to our loving Heavenly Father. Jesus loves you :)
Thanks for everything! I miss and love y'all!
Sister Adams
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We are going to find people to show them Christ love!! |
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Slumber Party because I rattled the beer can bird nest and everyone thought I was attracting drug dealers!! |
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