Hello Hello!
Another week serving in the sun. And the sun is slowly starting to get hotter and hotter.haha. It's gonna be a long hot summer...and not the kind that Keith Urban sings about. All in all it was a good week, not too many really exciting things. We had tons of meetings which is a pain. Especially when we have to drive to Gilbert for them, because it practically takes up our entire day.
We were able to teach the Restoration to a part member family. They are so awesome. Anthony really just took everything in. He has tons of questions, and we were there way too late...they are SO chatty. AND they have the cutest kids, but also the most distracting. One of them, Bella even started brushing my hair at one point in the lesson. And she doesn't speak well so if I wasn't paying attention to her she would basically start yelling at me in some form of jibberish. There was also one point when she took off her pants and underwear and went on the back of the couch and hopped on my back. All while I'm trying to teach.haha. It was fun. Hopefully we'll be able to answer more of his questions this week! Last night we were supposed to eat and then teach them, but Saturday Grace told us that she was really sick and would let us know if she felt better...and never did. So we thought it was still canceled...until we check our phone at like 7 when we're headed to another appointment and see that at around 5 they texted to say that the food would be done soon. AHHHH! It's the worst not being able to be in 2 places at once. Sometimes we just can't please everyone all the time and it's the worst. Still feel terrible about that.
We were able to get in with a few people that we've been trying to meet since we first got in this area, so like 7 weeks. Which was a MIRACLE! One house was blasting a Luke Bryan song that I probably enjoyed a little too much.haha. I've found that it's seriously so hard to not be distracted by a TV being on...even if it's like the dummest show ever. If it's on the TV, it's hard to not watch it! So make sure you turn off the TV when the missionaries come over!haha.
Wednesday was transfer meeting. It's so much more enjoyable when you aren't getting transferred or a new companion! So it was lots of fun. It's always good to see everyone. We went out to lunch at Chick-fil-A with one of my favorite people ever, Sister Carroll. And Sister Carroll's companion was Sister Hibbard's MTC companion so that was lots of fun. And a man paid for our food. Double bonus. When we got back, we had to go shopping since we didn't shop last Monday since we thought we might be moving houses. I tried to sneak the cake mix for Sister Hibbard's birthday but that was a fail. And then we went to mutual to try and get to know the youth more! And we just moved to a brand new church building so it was basically just helping getting things set up for Sunday.
Thusday we were able to meet with our investigator Renatta. She is going throught SUCH a hard time. It's unbelievable to see the hope that she has. She is so strong. And hopefully her situation changes soon, it's supposed to today so we'll see. We also did the most random service EVER. we made dog treats. Like 100 of them. I may or may not have tasted them and they may or may not have been that bad.
Friday we had to go to a new missionary meeting in Gilbert once again for Sister Hibbard and didn't get back to our area until like 5:30! Our zone leaders also had us run all sorts of errands up there since they don't wanna drive up there. Lame sauce. We ate at the Minor's and they fed us ribs! Sister Minor is the one who also got me movie theater popcorn and a Dr. Pepper! She is awesome! And Mom, I hope that you got the pictures she took on SUnday!
Saturday we had a great day, and were able to get in with an investigator that is super hard to meet with. Her husband doesn't really like Mormons...so she told us not to come by when he's home. Kinda sketchy. But she is such a sweetheart and is going to see if her husband will at least just talk to us once! And see that we aren't actually terrible people!
Sunday was super random. The coolest part of the day was going to an Addiction Recovery Program! It was awesome! One of our investigators asked for us to go with her for support. It's done through the church. At first I was super nervous to be there. And it was just like the movies. As in, "Hi, I'm Sister Adams." and then everyone responds, "Hi Sister Adams." It was pretty awesome. There were people of all ages and faiths with different addictions or people that have been recovered for years. They all have such strong testimonies of the atonement. It was truly amazing! Also, this part member family that we live next to(who isn't even in our ward) gave us all this food, and shampoo and conditioner and clothes and all sorts of stuff...including a laxative. Not really sure about that. But our DL wants us to make him a cake this week so that might come in handy.haha. Oh yeah, we also hiked a mountain for exercise one morning. We just had to get up really early..
Everything is going great here! THe people here are amazing and I love serving them. There is never enough time in the day! And I am always incredibly exhausted at the end of the day. I know that it's worth it though. And I wouldn't make it an hour without the help of my Savior. I loved this thought the other day...Don't pray to change your circumstances, but pray for the strength to endure your circumstances. Whatever we're going through is for a reason, and Christ will lighten our burdens. I know that to be true! Thanks for all that you do for me!
Sister Adams
I forgot my bag and only had my BOM...by the end of the day, that was gone as well!! |
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Someone is obviously in love with Nacho...Nacho Cheese!! |
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