NEARER MY GOD TO THEE!!! Sept. 9, 2013
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At the Arizona Temple |
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YOU are so Silly!! Going to the Temple is so much FUN!!! |
It's true. The Lord has called living prophets. Elder Anderson came and spoke to us Saturday. We were all singing hymns as he walked into the gym in the chapel where we were gonna take a picture with him. We were singing for like 40 minutes waiting for him to get here. And we happened to be singing Nearer My God To Thee as he walked in, and as he got closer and closer it literally felt like we were getting closer to God because the spirit was so strong. Everyone's eyes were filled with tears. He was so nice and funny. And truly a special witness of the Savior. How great it is to know that we have a prophet on the earth to lead and guide us. And why is that so hard for people to believe? God loves all his children the same, so why would there by prophets back then and not now. It was truly an amazing experience. We each got to meet him which was cool. And then he talked to us for about two hours. He said there was no other mission in the world like the Gilbert Mission. Because of it's size and the concentrated number of both missionaries and members. And the challenge of the mission would be to see it the members and the missionaries alike have the faith to find those who are prepared. If we don't have the faith, this mission won't be successful. He told us if it doesn't work, then they'll close the mission down and it'll be part of the Tempe mission again. He said it is the "Experiment of the Gilbert Mission." Pretty crazy. No pressure at all, right? Here's some quotes from him,
"Nothing in the scriptures says bringing people to salvation is easy."
"Easy is not connected with missionary work."
"If you don't know what to speak about, speak about Christ."
"The future of missionary work is the Gilbert Mission."
He talked about a lot, but I don't have time to include it all. But it was truly amazing. He also said that our mission is not the most important thing we will ever do, but it will be like a "Beautiful badge of honor." And that it will set the foundation for the rest of our life.
In other news, I've been out officially 3 months and some change. I also found out my release date, November 25th of 2014. Cray cray. And it really doesn't seem that far away.
We also went to the temple this week, in order to get spiritually prepared to meet Elder Anderson, and it was amazing as always.
We ate at Chipotle Saturday after Elder Anderson talked to us. Buffalo Wild Wings happens to be right beside it with like 5000 TV's outside. May or may not have watched part of the GA game while eating lunch. GO DAWGS. "If you can't avoid it, then enjoy it."-President Howes, former Tempe Mission President
I literally don't remember what else happened this week. We taught some lessons! Steve gets baptized on the 21st! We did some service for a family. One of my favorite families moved to Utah this weekend. Raelene bought me a journal, because I told her I was bad at writing one and had ripped all the pages out of mine to write letters.ha. She's the best. A member asked if I could contact her after I get home because she wants to set me up with someone. So awkward when people do that, and I didn't expect that to happen at all. I'm sure that Dallan is getting the same thing. I mean, he's perfect.
But I hope all is well on Adams Hill! I'm doing pretty good. It's actually been raining the past two days which has been nice. I love you! I love y'all! Best family ever. Thanks for the package. And thank Cathy for the package. Dallan's mom also sent me one! 3 pakages plus several letters make for a good week! I love y'all!
Sister Adams!
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