Allan, Allan, Allan, ...No It's Steve Sept. 23, 2013
I spy two sister missionaries in an Arizona sunset!! |
Puppy with an attitude- with bling!! |
Felling rock N Roll in the beautiful setting |
Scripture study- looks like a perfect place to do it!! |
Scorpion!!! |
Steve gets baptized!! |
Steve with his family-- AWESOMENESS!! |
So Steve's baptism was this weekend! All I can ever think of when I say his name is that YouTube video of the animals that say have the voiceovers with the groundhog thing that says the whole Allan, Steve bit. Makes me laugh out loud every time! But his baptism was truly amazing. He had had one of the worst weeks, and knew it was because Satan was doing anything and everything he could to get him away from his baptism. He was teary eyed the whole time. And balled like a baby as his new step-daughters and a couple friends sang a musical number. The funniest part, was when he changed into the jumpsuit he put his black church shoes back on...most people just are barefoot.haha. So he looked kinda silly. But Steve is awesome! And I'm so excited for his family! They're counting down the days until they can be sealed in the temple. SO AMAZING.
Generally, after the baptism our zone leaders drain the font and do everything but they left and asked us to drain the font, but if we couldn't figure it out they would come back an do it. Well, I was gonna make sure it was drained. So what did I do when all else failed...waded into the water with my dress hiked way up... made sure to remove the band from my arm that would be reaching into the water so it wouldn't get up and unplugged the drain. I didn't however factor in that when I bent to unplug it that my hair would dip into the water...So when I stood up my newly soaked hair got all over my dress. It kinda felt like I was the one being baptized. Later that night the Zone Leader's told us there was apparently some medal pole thing to drain the font...whoops.haha.
After the baptism, we road with Steve and Courtney(his wife of now like 3 weeks) to the open house sort of thing. It was cute and they had good food. But we had to leave earlier than most of the people there...and didn't wanna bug anyone so we just walked. We were only a couple miles from our apartment. We passed some elders as we were walking and they thought our bikes had been stolen. And countless people pulled over and asked if we needed a ride. It was quite an adventure!
We also found out this week that we will be getting Facebook ASAP, but iPads won't be for like a month or two apparently. We also discovered that once we get iPads we will be able to Skype our non-member family and friends to teach them!!! How crazy is that?!?! Pretty exciting times! Elder Anderson also gave us permission to "Be Creative" in finding people to our mission president is having us come up with these different ways. It's gonna make day to day missionary work a lot more fun. I'm working on connecting skydiving to missionary work...I'll let you know how that one turns out!haha.
Ummm. I saw my first scorpion since being in AZ. It was kinda small, and I was a little disappointed.ha. We are getting Zone T-Shirts made which should be pretty cool!! Transfers are on October 1st, so I'll find out next Sunday what the verdict is!
Jennifer, one of our investigators that has been taught since before I even got here came to church for the first time on Sunday!! And she wants to come again next week! Ahh..the last lesson she finally understood that in order to get an answer she has to act on her faith and show a real desire. She's the one that said that after we read a scripture with her. Revelation is real! It was amazing, and hopefully she continues to progress!
That's pretty much all I can remember, I have been working on doing better at journaling each night. So, that's good I guess. But all is well here in Gilbert. I haven't talked to the Graham's about her yet but I will! They are so awesome! I love them! Austin Graham...actually texted you a picture from their house a few weeks back...ha. But I hope all is going good on Adams Hill! Sounds like Stake Conference was good and such! I love you!
Food for thought:"What you get in the hereafter depends on what you're after here."
Sister Adams
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