I don't always get baptized, but when I do it's into the Mormon church.ha. This week has been so so crazy and full of exciting miracles and surprises. Sersiously, the Lord is blessing us so much. Sacrifice truly brings forth the blessings of heaven.
Monday... a couple of our plans fell through but we were where the Lord needed us to be. And we were able to contact a few investigators that we haven't been able to in a while. And we got the dream referall. A member called us, not from our ward, and he had been doing door to door sales in our area and met a ladie from Haiti. She was about to be baptized in Haiti 10 years ago, but they took the missionaries out for political reasons or something? But told him that she still really wanted to be baptized. Her name is Mirlande. She is SO SWEET! And she has the best accent ever.
Tuesday we of course had District meeting and we did some service for one of our investigaors that is moving...and we taught Todd! Well, we taught Todd everyday. He is SO AWESOME. We also ate with the DeBoer family and they are awesome. They're a young couple with two little boys.
Wednesday we had interviews with President Nattress. It was real. It was fun. But it wasn't real fun. My interviews with him are always really short...I guess that's a good thing. He is always so busy. I feel bad taking too much of his time.
Thursday was kinda strange. We taught Todd the final lesson before his baptism. And at the end of the lesson he included this in his prayer, "Thanks that the sisters were able to come and teach me the baptism preparation classes." ha. I guess that's kinda what they are. He was just so excited for his baptism. He has such a strong testimony of the priesthood being restored and knew what being baptized and recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost. He is also way pumped about the temple. I also had an STL meeting with Sister Nattress. She is the sweetest. Everyone also made it sound like there are meltdowns with sisters all the time, and we talked of how we should handle them...I don't think I'll have to worry about that with the sisters in my stewarship. We spent a lot of the day inviting people to Todd's baptism because we wanted a really good turnout.
Friday was planning. We got a surprising call from the assistants. Some of the stakes here in coordination with our mission are doing "Mini Missions" for high schoolers to come with the missionaries for a week. And we were told that we would be getting not one, but two mini missionaries. So we picked them up on Saturday. We also had a great lesson with Barbara and Brother Le Master about prophets and if we follow the prophet we won't be led astray. Barbara said she beliefs everything but she's not sure if she believes in it more that Catholisim YET. So there is hope. I really thing she's just scared. However, they did text us Sunday afternoon and told us that they set a date to get MARRIED so that Barbara can be baptized!!! But they chose September...so that's a bit of a wait. We just need to put a little more desire in her. We also taught Suzie the Plan of Salvation and she just loved it! And she asks such great questions!
Saturday we went to pick up the mini's..they had like a mock transfer meeting and training and such which made it pretty fun. It's like we're their trainers. We have Sister Power and Sister Patterson. They are awesome! And we went straight from the meeting to Todd's baptism! And we spoke. But the spirit was strong and it was a great service! It was so great to see someone enter into a covenant with Heavenly Father. I feel like I did pretty much nothing to get him there. I do not boast of myself, but I boast of my God(Alma 26:12). After the baptism we taught Suzie..and then they fed us.ha. We're practially always at their house teaching someone.
Sunday we were expecting 3 investigators at church since Todd no longer counts as an investigator! We saw two come in...and Mirlande who we were expecting never walked in. Just when I was about to give up hope...we saw her sneak into the back! So one of the mini's and I went to sit with her! And she stayed for all three hours and LOVED it! We're teaching her again today and she should have a date to be baptized tonight! Faith. We also went to a New Member Fireside where recent converts speak. It was so cool! Such amazing stories and it's so cool to see what the gospel does for people. How it literally saves and heals them.
Well, we're short on time today. But I hope that y'all have a good week! Thanks for everything. I know that Christ lives.
Love and miss y'all!
Sister Adams
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