This week has been so super crazy. Like nothing normal happened, in the least. Which was kinda nice to mix things up, but it was also super exhausting and just INSANE. I feel like each week is just filled with so many unexpected moments, and miracles. I don't even know where to start. Lets see.
Last Monday, Sister Hansen took us out to lunch and to buy coats because it was going to get really cold this week. Which is so true. It has been FREEZING. I can't even believe that Arizona gets this cold. I feel silly walking arround with a coat on. All my friends in Provo would be laughing at us.haha. But it is what it is. I also saw the Wardrops, from my last area, when we went out to lunch! It was awesome! I love them! So good to see them. I asked about Carolyn, and she said that she hasn't met with the sisters since I left.Ahhh.
At our zone meeting on Tuesday we had to role play teaching an entire 3-5 minutes. What the what. It basically came down to teaching pure doctrine, cutting out all the fluff. We also practiced these at Zone conference this week as well. Zone Conference was so fun. It's so fun to see lots of missionaries and to be taught by President and Sister Nattress. They are awesome. So that was a full day of training and such.
We also decided to just randomly decided to knock on this door of a house that we just like, and invite them to the open house. We talked to this nice man, Jacob, and he was interested. In a ward meeting we had, some of his neighbors talked about him and we were like, "Wait, is this Candyland House(which is what we call his house)?" It was kinda cool that we just decided to knock on his door and turns out the ward is starting to fellowship him as well. You never know whats a prompting! We'll be going by his home soon to show the temple presentation.
We also street contacted this nice old man, who was working with his horses. When we started talking about the temple he just started laughing and told us how everyone at his work had already invited him.haha. Nice to know that the members are doing missionary work :) He said that wasn't it kinda overkill with how many temples are in Arizona, or will be pretty soon. With Both Phoenix and Tucson temples already being built. It was pretty funny. But he is interested in going, so this is good news for us!
We also street contacted this nice old man, who was working with his horses. When we started talking about the temple he just started laughing and told us how everyone at his work had already invited him.haha. Nice to know that the members are doing missionary work :) He said that wasn't it kinda overkill with how many temples are in Arizona, or will be pretty soon. With Both Phoenix and Tucson temples already being built. It was pretty funny. But he is interested in going, so this is good news for us!
Lets see, we had one of our wards Christmas parties this week, it was a breakfast. And this old LA couple that we're working with, the Hammers, came. And Brother Hammer was SANTA! He told us that we had to sit on his lap, and told another guy in the ward that he had to take a picture for him when we came to see "santa." So they had us cut in front of ALL the kids to go talk to Santa.haha. They probably hate the missionaries now. But luckily Brother Hammer stood up so we didn't have to sit on his lap. That could have been awkward. He probably hugged us like 50 times at that breakfast too, and made sure that we sat by him. He is so funny!
We had exchanges this week too! And Sister Sanders, Sister Ayers new companion, came to spend the day with me! She is so awesome. I learned a lot from her. We didn't have any appointments all day, but we were able to make it a successfull day as we biked the cold. I really like biking. I feel that it just builds trust with the members. They see us out working, and the kids wave and say hi. It's just so much nicer that in a car. Especially since our area is so tiny. That day we stopped by Ruth, and she went crazy. She started talking about how she was a native american and she wasn't gonna change her heritage...we were talking about I don't know how it got so off topic. And she also confessed all her life stories to showed us scars, told us really scary stories. Then just got up and said, "I can't do this anymore." The other people in the room just laughed about how entertaing she is. It was intese. We did manage to get so real Navajo fry bread out of it, which was the only positive that came out of that meeting.
We also got to teach Jace this week and he is just a doll! We were talking about the Plan of Salvation, and he said. "I believe that all the animals should be free. That if we weren't here they could be here. Would you rather be a woman or be a free animal?" As tempted as my wildlife loving self was to say an animal, I resisted and told him I was glad to be a human. He then held up his hand and said, "Just think about it for a minute."haha. I love him. He was sad when we had to leave. He's the cutest. It was his birthday yesterday too, so we dropped off a card for him. We also baked a cake for Ruth's birthday this week too.
As you heard, our stake conference was this weekend. And since we were getting a new stake presidency we had two general authorities here. The Saturday session was all about missionary work. As one of the GA's was talking he said, "Would Sister Adams and Sister Winters come and join me and tell us all about how exciting it is to be a part of the work of salvation?" I wanted to pee my pants. Seriously. It was a long walk up to the front. President and Sister Nattress were there as well. I literally have no clue what I said, hopefully it was coherent. He also asked us about teaching and other things at the podium. And this place was PACKED. I hadn't realized how many people were there until i was looking our over the podium. I had recently read a lot of scriptures about how we will be given in the very moment what we shall say. And I know that sometimes I try to plan out what I'm gonna say, and at this point. I literally had no time. Mainly because I forgot the question right when he called our names. But I know that because I was prepared, the spirit guided me what I should say. I figure that if I can't remember what I said, I was talking by the spirit...right? At leats thats what I keep telling myself! It was funny because after the meeting, and Sunday at Stake Conference, it was like everyone in the stake knew us. And came up to talk to us, and tell us how us talking was the highlight, and how they wanted sisters in their ward, and it was kinda funny. We're basically celebrities in the Val Vista stake now...NOT! And we found out afterword, that the authorities had wanted to whole Saturday session taped. So it's on VIDEO. I hope I never see that.haha. I'm sure it's embarassing. Goodness. Just thinking about it makes me tired. it truly was a testimony that God knows each of us individually and helps us in times of needs. No matter how small or big it is. He knows and loves us, and is always a constant in our every changing and crazy life.
Lots of other suff happend too...but I really can't remember because I always forget to bring my journal thing to email. Whoops. But I am doing well. Some days are harder than others, but we're getting along. It's weird because this is now the longest I've been away from home. It's officially longer than a BYU semester. Crazy. Some people ask if we're homesick...that's the worst thing you can ask a missionary. Becuase if they aren't then you just made them. It's great to be serving in an area that is so full of great people though. They really take care of us. The newly called stake president, before he was called, gave us a Christmas tree with ornaments and lights and such. We also made our own ornaments with pass along cards. #missionprobs It was fun to decorate it though. And getting to help Sister Andreson was so fun. She makes me laugh. She was surprised that we were "smart" sisters, since we both went to BYU. And then after they called us up to speak, she said she didn't know we were the smartest and the best missionaries. False on both accounts. I still feel like I have no clue whats going on half the time, but according to older missionaries thats how you always feel. So that gives me hope.ha. I will know about transfers next week. So I literally have no clue whats going to happen. There's only like 4 new sisters coming in. So not too many changes will happen. We also have an awesome Christmas Party planned. It's still super exciting to be able to talk about the temple so much. And now being able to talk about Christmas with everyone! i thnk we might be able to get into more homes closer to Christmas! We also get to go caroling on Chirstmas Eve as a district! I don't think they want me to sing...but it should be fun! I love y'all and miss y'all so much! Thanks for all that you do for me! Have a hollly jolly week!
Sister Adams
Citrus Trees!! |
Brother Hammer as Santa!! |
So Pretty....I love the lights |
Santa Cactus |
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Oh Christmas Tree..... |
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Oh yeah, I dyed my hair.... |
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Thanks MOM- treats from home!! |
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