DAVE!! October 28, 2013
So this week has been interesting. Sister Ayers was sick like 3 days, that made it completely unproductive. The other days we have meetings essentially all day. So as far as proselyting goes it was kinda lame. Something very exciting did happen though! Do you remember the story of Dave? The rough guy we OYM'd and gave a Book of Mormon to 4 months ago...who told us how he wrapped his arm around it and such. But he lived out of the mission so we sent his information to other missionaries. Well, I love Dave. He's such a sweet man. Sunday we were sitting there waiting for a meeting to start and a man came up and told he just saw a guy who looked like a visitor go into the bathroom. So we wait for him to come out and then see him dart into the chapel...so we start following him. At a glance I said, Is that Dave? But he exited the other side of the chapel heading towards the water fountain. He comes back in and sits down so we go to talk to him and it is DAVE! I was so excited to see him. He still looked really rough, and smelled super strong of cigarette smoke and when we asked how he had been he said, "through hell and back." He then proceeded to tell us that he walked 13 miles to get to church to show God he was sorry for missing church. He told us how he has been reading in Alma about such and such character. Somewhere in that conversation he also asked if I was married? He also talked about how last time he was at church we learned about fasting, and so he has been "financially fasting"...not sure what that means but he showed us his bank statement of $0.00. I told you, he's an interesting character. He did say the sweets thing though, one of the ward members was talking to him and I was standing there and Dave said, "If it wasn't for Sister Adams I wouldn't be here today." Turns out I do have a purpose in being here.
Pie eating contest?? No, really, we do not have to do that!! |
After Sunday school(in which he commented like 10 times) he said something I didn't catch besides the word temple. So I asked if he'd seen the Gilbert Temple. He said, "I passed a lot of temples when I was walking here, but I knew that this was the temple for me. And that you would be here to welcome me." He was clearly confused between temples and church buildings.haha. But a member was going to give him a ride home after church and we have his information, so hopefully so more missionaries can get in contact with him. Otherwise he might show up to one of our wards in another 4 months!
Eat Pie Sisters Adams and Ayers!! Eat Pie!! |
I am going to puke. Look at the teenagers behind me. They think I am so cool right now!! NOT! |
Saturday, all of our wards had their Halloween Parties. So that was a mouthful. Literally. Pie eating contest are no fun! And then everyone keeps trying to feed you stuff. I wanted to puke. It felt like death. And I was not even close to winning.haha. Also, everyone thought it was pretty funny I dressed up. So it was lots of fun...well kinda.
This week we also had interviews and zone conference. We talked a lot about sanctifying ourselves as missionaries, did some role plays, and learned about bareing a sincere testimony. It was a good meeting, and President Nattress is so nice. We weree also trained this week on this presentation thing to show people after inviting them to go to the temple open house. So they can learn a little about the temple before going through. It's just another finding tool. But we should be getting lots of investigators hopefully from that. Our president said after the temple open house each stake should have between 400-500 investigators. Which is insane! But would be totally awesome, because we are really slacking on people to teach at the moment. One of our investigators dropped us because her member boyfriend and her broke up...sweet. Take one for the team man, just kidding. Kinda.
All in all I guess it was a good week. It was consumed with meetings, and sitting in our apartment as Sister Ayers slept. This week will also be low proselyting time. We have a few extra meetings, as well as a Mission Conference all day on Halloween. Because we can't be out all day. The meeting is until 4 and then we go straight to our apartments. Can't even get fed by a member that night! Lame sauce.
Nice Doggy! |
Liahona loving my shoes! |
Sounds like everything is going pretty good at home. Thanks for everything that you sent this week, Mom. It was seriously the best! And I loved the mustache card!haha. And the bag is adorable, tell Delaney she did a good job! I love you so much! Thanks for all that you do for me!
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