Sunday was such a long day, but it was really good. It's strange because we had Sacrament, then breakfast, and then Relief Society. We don't have Sunday School...because that's kinda what we do all day every day. In relief society someone spoke to us and she was awesome. We also listened to my favorite church songs, and it was great. There's a new song called The Sisters of Zion, which is about sister missionaries. If anyone can find those lyrics that would be awesome! Monday I realized that God does love me because we had Papa Johns for supper. After days of basically eating nothing it was a miracle.
So, I've still been teaching that one guy, Troy. Or rather the spirit has, because I honestly don't know what I'm doing. However, this week you could really see his faith grow and he committed to baptism and living the Word of Wisdom...which I was nervous about teaching, but turned out rather well I'd say. I've learned we can teach a "perfect lesson" and the investigator might not learn a thing, but when the spirit is there then you can see a complete change...we can't do anything without the Spirit.
The first ever MTC devotional was held at the Marriott Center on Tuesday night. A member of the 70 came, there was rumors of it being Elder Holland, so it was a little disappointing. It was crazy to see the flood of missionaries walking to the Marriott Center. There are so many of us here. It was strange being on BYU campus as a missionary. And on the way back everyone was signing hymns/primary songs and it was pretty cool. I haven't even realized the absence of music. Maybe because on Monday I went with my companion to the doctor and I got to sit in the waiting room...and there was music playing. Best. Day. Ever.
Wednesday I was so excited to see the flood of new missionaries! I saw Joey Kekoolani from our stake when he was walking in! He's going to Italy and it was so good to see him! The biggest surprise of all, as I was walking to lunch, was seeing ERICA! She got switched and is now in the Provo MTC! So I ran up and hugged her and there were tears! It was great to see her! I've been searching for her ever since. Hopefully I'll see her today!
Thursday we had In-Field Orientation, which was from 8-5. It was so awfully long. We basically learned how to street contact, how to work with the members and church leaders and other stuff like that. Overall it was boring...and it was freezing in every classroom so it was awful.
Yesterday we did some role playing that was so powerful. We do a lot of role playing, and sometimes it's hard for me to get in the role. I was chosen to be this woman named Jane. Who had just lost a baby at birth, and because of that her husband left her. She has two small kids. And she felt the only thing left for her to do was to take her own life. I tried so hard to be as she would. And as two of the missionaries in my district talked to me it was really powerful. The Atonement is amazing. And they invited me, as Jane, to pray at the end and everyone was crying. It was such a powerful experience of how the Atonement can help all.
Some things I've learned:
- Without prayer we cannot know of spiritual truths.
- Every good thought is inspired by God. -Bednar
- Everything you need to know about living the Gospel and following the Spirit is by doing something and not knowing why. -Bednar
- The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing.
- Always play the role of the Savior.
- God can take anything from us except our will, so that's what He asks for. And in return we get His will.
- Sin is the result of deep and unmet needs.
Well, I will get on later to send pictures and write a little more. Right now we have breakfast and then the Temple and then A ENTIRE FREE DAY. Besides teaching one lesson tonight! Tell me about how everyone is doing, and I don't know Dad's can you get that to me please.
I love you so much Mom! And thanks for the letter Delaney! I will be writing you one back today! So look out for it! I love y'all.
Sister Adams

I love you so much Mom! And thanks for the letter Delaney! I will be writing you one back today! So look out for it! I love y'all.
Sister Adams
I found a story about the woman who penned the Sisters of Zion lyrics.