Tuesday, September 9, 2014

how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good          Aug. 4, 2014

It's about that time. This past week has been SO full of miracles. Seriously, I am surprised still how the Lord provides...you think I would be used to it by now. But seeing the tender mercies of the Lord pour out upon me and those around me is something that will always stir my heart and increase my testimony that He lives, loves, and knows each of us.
I feel like this week I personally didn't have a lot of proselyting times with extra meetings and such and then Sister Hanson was sick. But, the Lord provided. We had out mini missionary, Sister Lively. For the first few days of the week. She was so painfully shy. After district meeting on Tuesday I could see that she was nearly in tears. But that afternoon she really started to open up and have a good time. At the closing meeting she talked about how in the middle she wanted to go home but was so glad she didn't. And she thanked us for all that we did for her and for being an example to her. She is the sweetest girl and I know that when she serves she will touch many people.
We had the craziest experience on Tuesday. We went to this less actives house, that I had never met, and she was straight crazy. It was kinda amusing. She talks to spirits. Like she would be having a conversation with them apparently right in front of us, pretty much the whole time. She told us that she wanted the spirits to prove to us that there was an afterlife. So she emptied a bottle of water and set it on her table and kept telling the spirits to move it. So basically for like 10 minutes we are just staring at this empty water bottle. And every time I would say anything she would get this really creepy grin on her face and tell me, "It's not you speaking but Mary Magdalene speaking through you." She titled me as being hilarious, Sister Hanson as spontaneous and Sister Lively as pouty.haha. When we were leaving she said that I was the leader, even though Sister Hanson has been there longer and that I had all the knowledge.haha. It was quite the experience. I can't even fully explain the craziness via email.
Friday evening we had the opportunity to be there when a recent convert of a year went through the temple for the first time. It was so amazing! She just said, THIS IS AWESOME! It was a sweet experience that I'm glad I was able to be apart of.  The temple truly is an amazing place!
Saturday night we went to visit a few people, and re-invite all of our investigators to come to church. There hasn't been an investigator at church here in a long time. So we go to visit an investigator, Winona, and her 17 year old son Aaron answers. He lets us in and he seemed a little weird. We taught him about the Book of Mormon a little and how Christ established a church. He seemed super interested. We soon realized that he was higher than a kite. But we invited him to church and didn't think much of it. On Sunday, right before the sacrament starts he walks into church! YAY! He had a really amazing time and is going to the YW activity on Wednesday and we have a lesson with him this evening. His comments in church were so good and he is really prepared. We just need to make sure he's completely sober next time we teach.haha.
The non-member family that came to church last week had sick kids and wasn't able to come this week. But we were able to go and teach them. They are the SWEETEST family. Will, the dad, went to seminary when he was younger and when he started going to scouts with his son at the church it made him miss the church. He accepted to be baptized on August 30th. The rest of the family doesn't have a strong religious background but they are really intrigued and are reading from and praying about the Book of Mormon. That's a family of four that is just so PREPARED to hear the good news that we bring. Investigators falling out of the sky I tell you.
Interesting fact I learned, that I may have to talk to President monsoon about to see if he'll extend sister missions to 2 years. Annyway...only .002% of the world is a member of Christ church. There is just TOO MUCH WORK TO BE DONE! That's why every member a missionary. I challenge y'all to share the gospel with someone! I dare ya :)
Also, you should look up the YouTube video Share the Message-3 Minutes that'll change the way you  (something). You should be able to find it. An awesome quote from that is, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
Anyway, all is good here in Compton Basin. We are praying for mighty miracles to come our way. It's the best to be on the Lord's errand.  I love and miss y'all!
Sister Adams
It Is Time                                                                 July 21, 2014

The cats out of the back...I'm getting transferred. Sister Hibbard, my second daughter is ready to venture by herself. There are so many amazing things going on in our area it's gonna be so so sad to leave!AHHHH! I just love everyone here and there should be lots of people baptized in the next month. I'm guess 4. Mirlande and her two kids. Barbara. And there are others that are just as close! I know that the Lord has a plan and wherever I end up is where I need to be. 
This past week has been kinda crazy. I went on two exchanges back to back. It was so fun to be with those sisters! We also had a sisters meeting this week. And as an STL, I was supposed to prepare a little something something...about the 5 keys to being a successful missionary. I revised them several times but this is what I ended up with. 

1. Use the Atonement of Jesus Christ
      Missionaries teach everyone about it and how it can help them with the challenges and struggles they face but forget that they're allowed to use it as well! The Atonement is how I how the strength to get up day after day and do the Lord's work. Like with the 2 exchanges I went on. I wanted to make sure that each sister felt loved, motivated, and uplifted. I was tired and nervous that I would do something dumb in front of them. But with the help of the Savior I was able to serve them as best as I could.
2. Be Yourself.
       We are called to a specific place because of who we are. Every area doesn't need a Sister Adams, but the area I'm in at this time needed a Sister Adams. If you are able to be yourself the people feel a lot more comfortable. Like Todd and Suzie, they told us how they had dismissed tons of missionaries in the past. We were just normal people when we talked to them, and they let us in. You can be a missionary and be yourself at the same time...there's just a few more rules! 
3. Hardwork
         There is no substitute for hardwork. When you get out and get sweaty the blessing come. Hands down. We have to show our faith. Get on your knees and pray then get up and work(someone important said that). There is a good chance that I could be whitewashing into another area...and work is essential. The members see you out biking or knocking doors when it's 110 degrees and they wanna give you referrals! The Lord sees you out working and he's gonna put prepared people in your path. All you have to do is open your mouth. 
4. Obedience
        Obedience to both the mission rules and the spirit. Again, qualifying for blessings! One of the sisters I went on exchanges with got a blessing that she told me about and at the end it said, "There have been times when you and your companion have received promptings for investigators and have not acted on it. Consider this your correction." Yikes! I do not want to be responsible for not following the Spirit. The Lord knows His children and their needs better than we do...so why would we not listen to Him! 
5. Love your companion
        As missionaries you have to teach by the spirit(as exemplified above). And if you are your companion are being onery toward one another the spirit isn't gonna be there. You have to get along with your companion. It might not mean that you're gonna be BFF after the mission but you can love them. Love them through service and making sure they know that they are appreciated. Each missionary in the companionship is equal. Plus, you have life changing experiences with companions...so why would you not love them? 

Well, I could tell you stories about being on exchanges. I was hit on twice. We taught this Chinese lady that I might have understood only about 15% if the things that she said. We were anti'd! Actually, on Saturday we went to lunch as a zone...because one of my Zone Leaders goes home tomorrow. And this lady walked up and read to us( a group of almost 20 missionaries) Romans 10:2...basically saying that we have the zeal for the word of God but not the correct knowledge. It was very brave of her...but just strange. She told us to ponder it. The irony is she clearly has the zeal, and bravery, of the Gospel...but is ill informed. I just wish people would give us a chance sometimes. The worst response is "Not Interested." Not interested in what...forever familes, never ending happiness, remission of sins, eternal life...the list goes on and on. Anyway, it was cray. 

We also had an awesome fireside about the Prophet Joseph Smith. One thing that stood out to me was, "Joseph was a prophet because he knew the Savior." We don't worship Joseph Smith. He was simply a mouthpiece for the Lord. It is His Church. I love telling people about it! Thank you for all that you do! 

Sister Adams

P.S. Share the gospel with someone. The missionaries need HELP!

I Just Really Love Jesus                                 July 14, 2014

So since we're, as missionaries, called to people and not places....I wanted to talk about a few people that I just love. 
Two little girls of an inactive part-member family, Cassidy(11) and Jayden(9). They are the cutest, sweetest, and so amazing to talk to. We had an appointment to visit their family and the parents ended up not being home. So we just talked to them at the door. They aren't baptized and told us how much they want to and Jayden said, "I just really love Jesus." We gave them each a Book of Mormon and were talking about it using the pictures in the front and Jayden told us all about Moroni, and how he appeared to Joseph Smith as an angel. They come from really hard backgrounds, and they are so forgiving. Some of the adults in their  lives have made some not so smart choices but they just told us how they hope that they are doing better. One of them said how she kneels down to pray at night and her parents make her get up. It was such a heart pulling conversation. We found a ride for them for church this week, but apparently nobody answered the door. I just admire those cute girls so much! And am blessed to have met them this week and for the chance we have to teach them about who they are as a Daughter of God. 
Todd and Suzie Worsham. They are AMAZING! Todd called us this week and told us, "I have someone that is interested in the church but it won't be in our ward." He has been sharing the gospel with everyone! We told him what a good missionary he was and he told us, "That's part of being a priest..I'm supposed to preach the gospel and serve others. It's a part of my covenants." BLEW ME AWAY! And Suzie was working on family history throughout the week to find names to take to the temple. And going to the temple with them was just so so amazing! They even did some of our family names too...since the temple workers wouldn't let me! 
Sister Hanson. I went on exchanges with her this week. She's only been out in the field for a few months but she's amazing! She feels overshadowed by her companion sometimes but has such a love for everyone that she meets, even if a little encouragement to talk to EVERYONE was needed. AND..on the exchange we saw this huge fight with this huge group of kids...it was cray. We called the police while trying to be discreet. The best part of it was we were teaching two of the teenagers on the street before the fight was happening and then they ran to join. Maybe they'll remember the story of Alma the Younger that we were sharing?haha.
Esther. Esther is 77 years old and has never been married. She served a mission with her church for 8 years in Taiwan. She has biked across the whole country and done lots of other really cool things. We taught her about the Book of Mormon...she is a little set in her ways but is interested in what's in the book. She committed to read and pray...and she is full of so much faith, as long as she keeps an open heart, she will get her answer! So excited for her!
Mirlande. Even though there was some rather unfortunate mis-communication about when our lesson was and so we weren't able to teach her this week. Her stove has been broken so we've been trying to find someone to help fix it for her. She told us how a few nights ago she really needed her stove to work to feed her kids so she went up in her room and prayed and at the end of her prayer...her kids yelled for her and the stove was working!! PRAYER IS REAL!
Sister Pratt. She is going through such a hard time and lives all alone...and enlisted our help in washing 10 PUPPIES that are only like 5 weeks old. They are just adorable. Her son comes home from his mission next month and she is so excited. Even though she has had doubts through this hard time, she has remained so faithful even when she felt abandoned. And she has been able to see the blessings, even if things still aren't going her way. I look up to her so much. She is such a tough lady. 
Tracy. Tracy was a lady that we OYM'd this week and she is so fun. Before we even had the chance to extend an invitation to her she told us how she had never met with missionaries before and she would like to. Her mom is a recent convert of about a year and her daughter goes to church with her sometimes. People are really prepared. Unfortunately she lives out of our area, and so some lucky elders get to teach her! 
Brother Krueger. He is our Ward Mission Leader and has been a little lax on things up until we've managed to have 2 baptisms with not much effort on his part. But now he is on fire. And he also likes to drop off lots of food that will make us really fat at night. Pizza. Ben & Jerry's. M&M's. Otter Pops. Steak. Corn. He lives by himself and told us that we're like his daughters. We're working on finding him a wife; he just doesn't know that. 
Sister Hibbard. She is just the best. I have loved being her companion and the time most likely will be coming to an end next week but it's been an awesome 6 months! 

Thank you for all that you do and I hope that y'all have a great week. Lucky dogs are at the beach....#only4monthsuntilicanswim


Sister Adams

P.S. One new misconception about the church we heard this week: "Doesn't the Jesus in the Book of Mormon have lots of wifes?" How do people come up with these things?!?

Like Kids in a Candy Store                                July 7, 2014

Happy 4th of July! The second year in a row not being able to see the fireworks, but hearing them. I guess that's kinda like faith, right? It's things that we can't see but the Holy Ghost can tell us that it's true. Missionaries can relate anything to the gospel...
This past week was quite the party. I think that we were humbled just a bit. This whole transfer we have just had teaching appointment after teaching appointment...and this week most of them decided to cancel on us. As much as going through struggles isn't always the most fun...I cling to the fact that it's after the trial of our faith that the blessings come. So I know they are coming, and some of them already have. 
There really isn't anything as rewarding as being an instrument in the hands of the Lord. It is such an honor to represent Him. This week for the 4th of July I read a lot of scriptures about freedom in the Book of Mormon. And it just so happens that the freedoms that we enjoy come from keeping the commandments of the Lord. Ether 2:12, "Behold this is a choice land and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written." Jesus Christ is the life of the world. He sets us free. And I've seen that in the life of especially Todd and Suzie the past few weeks. Even though they were prepared, they had to make lots of changes, and what a great experience it has been to see how the gospel has been that light in the wilderness. God is good. 
Monday night a lesson fell through and we went to stop by a less active family. Mailey, the daughter, opened the door and we could see Sister Ball laid out on the floor. We were able to talk with her through some things and contact her home teachers to come and give her a blessing. My thoughts have changed when a lesson cancels to, "Where does the Lord need us to be?" 
Another night, two of our lessons-both of which NEVER cancel on us- canceled! We prayed and sought where the Lord would have us be. Plus, there was a major storm coming(monsoon season is officially here). We got in with an investigator that we hadn't been able to contact in a couple weeks. We were able to resolve a couple big concerns about the priesthood and having faith in Christ. She says she doesn't believe like she used to.
Of course, we got to be the source of some peoples freedom when we did some service this week. We painted FOREVER one day and helped a less active family move out of the ward. Not a single person from the ward showed up to help, so we had to enlist the elders. They were very grateful. 
On the 4th we got special permission from the assistants to spend the night with some other sisters. They told us to keep it on the down low because they didn't want lots of people asking for it.ha. It was lots of fun. We had to go in early and study for a couple hours and then we had a FIRE in the backyard! with S'MORES! The sisters here are just awesome. 
One day during the week we went to teach Suzie the last lesson before her baptism. And her and Todd had just gotten back from Deseret Book(the LDS Bookstore). They told the workers that they were like kids in a candy store. They bought a few things and are each getting a CTR ring. They're just the cutest. 
Saturday...we thought we had everything prepared for the baptism. And at like 8:00 the musical number backed out. Then the elders text us and said they didn't have baptismal jumpsuits under 6 feet. So there was a bit of panic and pandemonium...but we got it all figured out. Sister Hibbard and I along with 4 other sisters organized a musical number...Nearer My God to Thee. And we had to go round up another jumpsuit from a different church building. Good thing there's like a bajillion down here. The baptism was SO AMAZING! People showed up. The programs were pretty. We involved lots of different families. People actually cried during the musical number, hopefully not because it was really terrible. And of course Todd was able to baptize Suzie! It was such a sweet moment. They went into the font and he looked at us and pointed and said, "Stop making me laugh." He had practiced the baptismal prayer so much, but stage fright got to him and Suzie even whispered some of the words to him. And instead of holding the small of her back while dunking her he grabbed her neck...which looked like he was drowning her...but it all worked out :) A councilor in the bishopric told us it was the best baptismal program he's ever seen because we asked all the less actives we knew to contribute something and they were able to strengthen their testimony as well. 
Mirlande and Barbara both came to church and were able to see Suzie's confirmation. And Todd blessed the sacrament! We are also going to take them to the Gilbert Temple this coming Saturday to do baptisms for their ancestors! So it's going to be sooooo amazing! 
One thing that's really hit me this week is how everything is eternal, and what that really means. We are eternal spiritual beings having a mortal experience. Our families can be eternal. The covenants we make with God are eternal. Our agency is eternal. And what we do in this brief mortal life determines how we will spend eternity. Kinda scary but fear is good for you every now and then. Anyway, I hope that all is well! I love learning from all the people that I've met here and having my testimony that Christ lives strengthened each day. He loves us. He is aware of us and our situations. I love this work. 
Love and miss y'all. 
Sister Adams

Juan.                                                                          June 30, 2014

This week in one word has been LONG. I'm not even sure why. There has just been so much stuff packed into a little period of time. It seems like forever since the minis were with us but it was only on Wednesday. There were also lots of miracles that we able to see! It was so fun. I'm short on time, as always so I'll tell you the big stuff!
Monday I set out in the evening with Sister Patterson...and she is way way shy. We had a lesson set up with what would become our new investigator Mirlande. As we were planning that morning I asked Sister Patterson if she would like to extend the baptismal invitation and she hesitantley agreed. But she did it when the time came and Mirlande said YES! So her date is set for July 19th! Sister Patterson is working on her mission papers and I truly think she needed that to help her. She is amazing! And will make such a fantastic missionary! MIRACLES!
Tuesday the highlight was I was able to attend Juan's baptism, in my last area. I have never cried at a baptism...but I did at this one. Juan has just made so many changes and has came so far. It was so astounding to see him enter into the water. It made it so real to me what all the Atonement can do.
Wednesday most of our day was consumed with Family Home Afternoon...which practically makes you feel like a college student. Since we go to a senior missionaries couple house as a zone and we play games like all afternoon. Good thing it only happens once a transfer because it takes up so much proselyting time. It's good to have zone unity though. We took the minis to be reunited with their families and they had a testimony meeting. Sister Power who was undecided if she wanted to serve voiced that because of her experience with us she wanted to serve a mission. It was so cool to hear all their stories and testimonies.  
Thursday was MLC all day...so I went with Sister Caron for the day, who's another STL. And our companions stayed in our areas. It was pretty fun and enlightening. That night we got to teach Suzie some. We had already taught her the Word of Wisdom and she had no concerns but we brought it back up because we just sensed there wasn't something she got. Turns out she didn't understand why we can't drink coffee or tea. Well, neither do I, but I know that it's a commandment from God that came from a prophet of God. She is doing awesome though and is so prepared for her baptism. So we have that all planned out and such. It'll be this Saturday.
Friday we taught Suzie again...and planned...and had a great lesson withe Barbara. She wants to be baptized after they get married! Which is amazing...except for the fact that that wouldn't be until the beginning of October. Ain't nobody got time for that. We just got increase her faith and her desire and it will come. They're planning on getting married by Elvis in Las Vegas anyway...isn't the whole point of that so you can do it whenever you'd like? I mean...we can get a Elvis wig for our bishop and call it good.
Saturday we had service most of the day for investigators. We also taught Suzie and Todd that evening. They are just so eager to read and learn and watch anything they can get their hands on about the church and the gospel.
Sunday a member of the mission presidency, President Hale, came to our coordination meeting with the ward mission leader and ended up staying for all three hours of our ward. Todd also go the priesthood. The best part about it was when they called his name to be sustained in sacrament meeting...he stood up turned around a few times and waved to everyone. Quiet and subtle are two things that Todd Worsham are not. And after sacrament meeting he commented on how cool it was how many people raised their hand.haha. But it's super exciting that he gets to baptize his wife this Saturday. He is just amazing! And is doing great things!
In other news, I learned a lot about ghost and apparently there are two spirits in Todd and Suzie's house. One of the members we brought to teach Suzie told us all about them. And all sorts of other things about spirits and how they work. So now I'm well educated on how to deal with spirits when they mess with me? Not that I've ever seen one.
Fun news. Today we had a mission wide P-Day activity. We played water games. I played some rugby...Dallan would be proud. And we just had lots of fun..and breakfast...and popsicles. Out mission is pretty much the best in the world.
Thanks for all that you do! I love and miss y'all
SIster Adams

CRAY.                                                                       June 23, 2014

I don't always get baptized, but when I do it's into the Mormon church.ha. This week has been so so crazy and full of exciting miracles and surprises. Sersiously, the Lord is blessing us so much. Sacrifice truly brings forth the blessings of heaven.
Monday... a couple of our plans fell through but we were where the Lord needed us to be. And we were able to contact a few investigators that we haven't been able to in a while. And we got the dream referall. A member called us, not from our ward, and he had been doing door to door sales in our area and met a ladie from Haiti. She was about to be baptized in Haiti 10 years ago, but they took the missionaries out for political reasons or something? But told him that she still really wanted to be baptized. Her name is Mirlande. She is SO SWEET! And she has the best accent ever.
Tuesday we of course had District meeting and we did some service for one of our investigaors that is moving...and we taught Todd! Well, we taught Todd everyday. He is SO AWESOME. We also ate with the DeBoer family and they are awesome. They're a young couple with two little boys.
Wednesday we had interviews with President Nattress. It was real. It was fun. But it wasn't real fun. My interviews with him are always really short...I guess that's a good thing. He is always so busy. I feel bad taking too much of his time.
Thursday was kinda strange. We taught Todd the final lesson before his baptism. And at the end of the lesson he included this in his prayer, "Thanks that the sisters were able to come and teach me the baptism preparation classes." ha. I guess that's kinda what they are. He was just so excited for his baptism. He has such a strong testimony of the priesthood being restored and knew what being baptized and recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost. He is also way pumped about the temple. I also had an STL meeting with Sister Nattress. She is the sweetest. Everyone also made it sound like there are meltdowns with sisters all the time, and we talked of how we should handle them...I don't think I'll have to worry about that with the sisters in my stewarship. We spent a lot of the day inviting people to Todd's baptism because we wanted a really good turnout.
Friday was planning. We got a surprising call from the assistants. Some of the stakes here in coordination with our mission are doing "Mini Missions" for high schoolers to come with the missionaries for a week. And we were told that we would be getting not one, but two mini missionaries. So we picked them up on Saturday. We also had a great lesson with Barbara and Brother Le Master about prophets and if we follow the prophet we won't be led astray. Barbara said she beliefs everything but she's not sure if she believes in it more that Catholisim YET. So there is hope. I really thing she's just scared. However, they did text us Sunday afternoon and told us that they set a date to get MARRIED so that Barbara can be baptized!!! But they chose September...so that's a bit of a wait. We just need to put a little more desire in her. We also taught Suzie the Plan of Salvation and she just loved it! And she asks such great questions!
Saturday we went to pick up the mini's..they had like a mock transfer meeting and training and such which made it pretty fun. It's like we're their trainers. We have Sister Power and Sister Patterson. They are awesome! And we went straight from the meeting to Todd's baptism! And we spoke. But the spirit was strong and it was a great service! It was so great to see someone enter into a covenant with Heavenly Father. I feel like I did pretty much nothing to get him there. I do not boast of myself, but I boast of my God(Alma 26:12). After the baptism we taught Suzie..and then they fed us.ha. We're practially always at their house teaching someone.
Sunday we were expecting 3 investigators at church since Todd no longer counts as an investigator! We saw two come in...and Mirlande who we were expecting never walked in. Just when I was about to give up hope...we saw her sneak into the back! So one of the mini's and I went to sit with her! And she stayed for all three hours and LOVED it! We're teaching her again today and she should have a date to be baptized tonight! Faith. We also went to a New Member Fireside where recent converts speak. It was so cool! Such amazing stories and it's so cool to see what the gospel does for people. How it literally saves and heals them.
Well, we're short on time today. But I hope that y'all have a good week! Thanks for everything. I know that Christ lives.
Love and miss y'all!
Sister Adams
STL                                                                  June 16, 2014

This week has been smack FULL of miracles. It's just crazy. The Lord is blessing us so much! We taught Todd every single day this week to prepare him to be baptized this Saturday. We also started teaching his wife, Suzie, and she accepted a date to be baptized as well! So that will take place on June 5th. Todd and Suzie both are just so so prepared! Seriously. They are just so pure in heart and have a real desire to follow the Savior. Even if Todd is a little odd at times. Like the story I'll tell about church.hahaha. 
Tuesday we had district meeting and had a few appointments and some service. One of our investigators, Tiffany, taught us how to make headbands; I'll attach some pictures. And we finally got her to really open up to us. She really really wants to to be baptized, but her husbands family are super super anti and she just doesn't want to mess things up with her and her husband. It's super sad. She was just in tears. So our job is just to build her faith so that she can withstand the trials that will come. Choosing the right isn't always easy. We also played phone tag with President Nattress all day, and so we were freaking out as to WHY he was calling us right before transfers. 
Wednesday was transfer meeting. That morning, while Sister Hibbard was in the shower, President finally called us back and he asked me to be a Sister Training Leader. Which is like the equivalent of a Zone Leader for elders...kinda. Basically it means that I have a few companionship's of sisters in my stewardship that I am over, and we go on exchanges and other fun stuff. It's pretty scary because I feel really inadequate. I'm supposed to be the one that knows it all now, and that's SO not the case. I'm still learning. It does mean that President Nattress and the Lord trust me. President Nattress said, "The Lord wants you to be a STL at this time." So it's gonna be a party. The best part was that Sister Hibbard didn't know...and they announce it in transfer meeting. So I just surprised her.hahaha. She was so mad.haha. 
We had the most intense lesson ever with Barbara and Brother LeMaster. They just can't grasp that they need to be married in order for Barbara to be baptized. It's so hard sometimes. We explained it the best that we could, and followed the spirit. But Brother LeMaster was just so closed. So I asked him one question, and he just broke down in tears and talked about all the blessings he has received from the church. I know their answer from God as to what they need to do will come, all we can do now is build their faith. Brother LeMaster about us wanting to lose weight, "You two go our in the wind and you need an anchor to hold you down."haha
Thursday we had a great day...you know nothing to out of the ordinary. For some reason I can never remember Thursdays. We taught some lessons and did some service? 
Friday we had our weekly planning meeting. And Todd had his interview for baptism! He walked out and said, "He told me that I'm golden." SWEET! Elder Swenson, who interviewed him, was super low on blood sugar so hopefully he understood what was going on.ha. But before the interview Todd was telling us how he was going to divorce his wife and all this stuff. We were just heartbroken. We told him how the gospel strengthens families and such...but we aren't supposed to give counsel so that's all we could do. Friday afternoon is when we actually got to teach Suzie the Restoration. She is so sensitive to the spirit...and we are just so so happy for them. It's the first family that I've ever taught! Ahhh! God is good. Friday night we got in with the inactive lady, Sister Lewis. We've been trying the whole time that we've been in the area. AND WE FINALLY GOT IN! All because of my wonderful parents and their obsession with triathlons. She was in exercise clothes...and it turns out that she's training for her first Ironman. When I told her that my parents do them she freaked out and had us sit down and we talked for an hour! She was like, "What are the chances! Does this mean I have to go to church? God is slapping me in the face and telling me I need to go." She hadn't been in two years! It was such a miracle! And she said she wouldn't mind us coming over any time because we're "real." She is so so so so nice! 
Saturday we got to go see Jace, who I taught in my last area, be BAPTIZED! He was so so excited. He is just the cutest!! It was so amazing to see him enter into a covenant with God. He just makes me heart happy. We spent the rest of the day making sure that everything was together for Todd's baptism the following week and making sure our investigators were going to have a good experience at church. We were expecting 6 investigators at church!
Sunday Todd and Suzie fed us breakfast before church, biscuits and gravy! And 4 of our investigators came to church! Which was really exciting, even though we missed the other 2. But there's always next week! It builds so much trust to have the members see you bring people to church. And when as many people as possible know before hand so they feel apart of it and welcome them. It's the best! It's also super stressful. Todd brought his son, Justin-who is 10, and he loved primary. We wish we could teach him...but his mom, who Todd is divorced from won't let that happen. It was a great day! We ate with the Wilhelm's, who are so so awesome! Seriously, and Brother Wilhelm is hilarious. He told us that when either one of us leaves that he'll cry because we're like his daughters.ha. 
All in all it has been an amazing week! I'm truly blessed to be serving the Lord at this time. I know that He lives. And that this is His gospel and His church. This transfer is going to be AMAZING! 

Sister Adams 

P.S. Remember that the tender mercies of the Lord are everywhere!